Top | Most Americans have been taught to think that everyone in prison is guilty of something.  I have met many people, before and during prison, that are adamant that anyone in a jail or prison cell “must have done something wrong”.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  In my experience, filtering out the obvious liars, at least 20% of the women that I talked to in prison were innocent, and at least another 10% were guilty of something, but the sentence didn’t fit the “crime”. | I do not advocate violence. I believe it to be counterproductive. There are times, however, when it seems that one must exercise some form of force to restrain those who think they are superior to the rest of us and deserve special privileges in order to prevent them from doing harm. This can be called self defense or intervention in the defense of another peaceful person who may be harmed. I also consider myself to be a reasonable person, so I am willing to consider all sides of a story. What I have come to discover as I have aged is that the common folk have become too willing to simply bow to authority and obey authority figures without question while those same authority figures overstep their bounds time and again and are almost never held accountable for their actions and/or bad decisions. Read Entire Article | George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984, got a few things wrong — for example, the date. But he was dead-on in depicting the cause-and-effect relationship between language and politics, between language and our ability to think clearly; the process of using words as social control was called Newspeak. What cannot be expressed cannot be effectively understood or opposed. Neutralizing language defuses the most powerful weapon against oppression: the ability to think.

AnarchyInABottle | Taxes. We pay them, just like everybody else. Although some of you don't and I hold you in the highest respect. But is there anybody that doesn't have to pay taxes? Well yes there is. However you wouldn't know it by the way some people talk. You see government employees don't pay taxes. Oh I know what you might be thinking. "They have to file with the IRS and pay their dues too!" Well yeah that's how the political theatre makes it look. I have to say it's an impressive script. | Although you may have been taught to believe differently, public schools tend to have very negative impacts on the development of a child's creativity, sense of ethics and autonomy. From the first day in kindergarten until the last day of senior year, 'kids' are told to "treat others as [they] want to be treated." Actions speak louder than words. Unfortunately, the staff members at public education facilities treat students as if they have "authority" over them, ingraining the message that it is acceptable to treat other people like property -- though I doubt they wish to be treated that way. A 'child' can learn all of the skills that one may deem 'critical' without being subjected to the hypocrisy and demand for blind obedience in the public school system.

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