AdamVsTheMan | Vermin Supreme, The Friendly Fascist. A tyrant that you can trust. Let him run your life, he knows what is best for you. Yes, all Politicians are Vermin and he is Vermin Supreme.

MuseumOfFreeDerry.org | As thousands of Civil Rights marchers set off from the Bishops Field in Creggan just before 3 o'clock the mood was upbeat. The sun was shining, the air was crisp and the atmosphere was akin to a carnival. The march had been banned by the Stormont government but there was no sense of fear as the marchers, singing and chanting, wound their way down from Creggan and through the Brandywell and Bogside. It was common knowledge that the IRA had withdrawn from the Bogside.

LarkenRose | Those who seek positions of power almost always do so because they're already narcissistic control freaks, who just can't wait to dominate and control their fellow man. Who else would want the job of bossing everyone around? But let's pretend that a good person, with good intentions, ran for Congress, and won. What would happen?

HollyLisle.com | My position is that slavery is alive and well in the US and everywhere else in the world, that most people are in favor of it and actively working for its furtherance, and that most of them would deny fervently that they are doing anything of the sort.

LarkenRose | A lot of statists are trying to hijack the term, in the hopes of making themselves sound learned and principled. When anyone says, "I'm libertarian on certain issues," he's either demonstrating his ignorance, or intentionally lying. Libertarianism is a philosophy, based on the non-aggression principle, which says that it's wrong to initiate violence against someone.