JacobZLadder | Independent filmmaker, Jacob Crawford, weaves three cities responses to police brutality into a single tale of community empowerment and direct action. The film conveys basic legal concepts that can provide practical help to groups and individuals seeking an understanding of their rights when dealing with police.

TheHealthRanger | According to statistics from the (CDC) Centers For Disease Control you are 6,200% more likely to be killed by your doctor than by a homocidal shooter.

FreiwilligFrei | "Message To The Voting Cattle" - You cannot begin to imagine in how many ways the world is the opposite of what you have been taught to believe.

FreeKeene | 540 days in jail for dancing, smoking cannabis, going to court, and riding a bike. "Derrick J's Victimless Crime Spree", is a feature-length documentary chronicling liberty activist Derrick J Freeman's exciting first year of activism in The Shire.

JamesAltucher.com| My dad hit me when I got bad grades. Particularly when I was young and got a bad grade in “Conduct”. Happiness was an “A”. Even better: an “A+”. Sadness was an “F”. It was almost like a joke. Like the only way to get an “F” is if you tried to screw up almost as much as you tried to get an “A”.