xSUIJURISx | "It is amazing how the simplest things can be the hardest for people to comprehend. - Feral Riser"

LarkenRose | Most conflict, violence, and injustice is the result not of individual malice but of people imagining an obligation to obey a perceived authority, usually government. In their daily lives most people accept the non-aggression principle, it's not OK to rob or attack other people. But they've been taught that government has an exception from that rule and that legalized theft and thuggery, taxation, and law enforcement, are moral, legitimate, and necessary for society.

SurvivalSherpa | Schools teach many things. These dangerous lessons may not be explicitly taught, but they are definitely ’caught’ by every student – even parents. Good or bad depends which side of the desk you’re on.

EverythingVoluntary.com | Liberty is something that everyone claims to want, but something which they will rarely take the time to define. It means so many things to so many people, that our conversations about it can become useless and argumentative quickly. This happens because we tend to just move forward in a conversation that presumes “liberty” as the accepted goal, before we have taken time to define it. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen, or been involved myself, in a conversation between two people arguing about the minutia and intricacies of a piece of legislation or a plan for government operations, when they just skipped right past what should be the foundation of such a conversation... a shared and specifically defined value being sought. All of the contention, hyperbole, and emotion that follow are just two people lashing out at each other based on each of their own different ideas. They took no time to see if there really was any foundation of a common goal before having such a conversation.

NoMoreCages.com | I have no right to steal from you. I have no right to take your property, to damage your property, or make any claim on your property. I have no right to tell you how you can and cannot live your life. I have no right to tell you which choices you can and cannot make. I have no right to dictate what you can and cannot consume. I have no right to force you to fund activities which you disagree with on moral grounds. I have no right to make you tell on yourself, to detain you against your will, or to throw you in a cage for making choices in line with your morals or values.