KentForLiberty | The first time some pervert insisted on a urine test in exchange for a job offer, he should have been laughed at, and if he laid a hand on the person in his insistence- punched. Now that too many people comply in order to have a job, those who would refuse will end up unemployable (in many cases, in their chosen career).

Freedom Unfiltered | Here is an excerpt from a recent presentation by Robert Higgs at Mises University:

Strike-The-Root | Here is one offered by APSA (American Political Science Association), which we might otherwise reasonably expect to be something of an authority on the subject. Give all of that a good read first, if you will, before proceeding.

MarkStoval | There is a book by a Russian named Vladimir Bukovsky called “To Build a Castle-My Life As a Dissenter” which is a riveting autobiographical story about Vladimir Bukovsky’s twelve years in the brutal prison system of the old USSR. He was sent there for performing poetry that satirized the Soviet regime and for being a dissenter. In his book Bukovsky documents how he fought and won fighting against the brutal Soviet Gulag system. It is a fascinating story with ramifications for our own time.