LewRockwell.com | The Social Security pamphlet of 1936 read, “Beginning November 24, 1936, the United States Government will set up a Social Security account for you. … The checks will come to you as a right” (http://tinyurl.com/maskyul). Therefore, Americans have been led to believe that Social Security is like a retirement account and money placed in it is their property. The fact of the matter belies that belief.

TEDxTalks | 80% of the cultural production of the 20th Century is locked up behind the bars of Copyright.

TruthTube111 | How the vaccine industry is damaging countless children while getting away with murder through a special "vaccine court" that screws parents and favors the interests of Big Pharma and the government.

Strike-The-Root.com | I searched for the phrase “government religion” and found remarkably little about it; most hits seemed to be articles in which government and religion were used as distinct concepts, or that were pleas to maintain the separation of the two. But surely it must be dawning on a lot of people by now, how similar they really are? At what point does “similar” become “identical”?

Everything-Voluntary.com | Most folks can recognize that an armed robber demanding your wallet and an armed robber demanding your wallet and watch are morally equivalent, yet they continue to imagine a great moral gulf between 'high taxes' and 'low taxes' or between 'big government' and 'limited government.' The immorality of theft is not negated either by the amount stolen or by how what is stolen is used. There is no principled argument as to why government should pay for someone's education and healthcare, but shouldn't pay for their smartphone, internet, and transportation.