Strike-The-Root.com | I haven’t taken a poll, but if I did, I’m certain I’d find that most Americans would claim that they were free. Many would claim that they were living in the “freest” country in the world. To some extent, they’d be right.

AngryHateMusic - Every year America gives Israel 3 Billion. That's $3,000,000,000 for ethnic cleansing... What a sick world we live in. Stop ethnic cleansing; Stop aid to Israel. That's your tax money spent on racial colonization. But point that out and you must just hate da'jooz...

TheSONSOFLIBERTYMC | This isn't the problem, it's a SYMPTOM!

LarkenRose | To those who say they don't trust "the market": first, be clear about what you're actually saying; second, consider this real-world example of "the market" in action.

RyDawson | If you have the word education or environment behind you, you have an air of impunity. You can do whatever you want, because everybody is pro education and everybody is pro environment. And they don't realize, when you unanalytically give these people power because what you assume they are trying to protect or do. You are giving people impunity who actually have very different motives and goals than what you think...