KentForLiberty.com | People who "go off" about capitalism amuse me. Generally, what they are upset about isn't capitalism, but "crony capitalism"/corporatism. Fascism.

RadGeek.com | Actions may be legal, or they may be illegal. Whether they are moral or not is a totally separate question. (When the law is wrong, lawbreaking is the right thing to do.) But while actions may be illegal, people are not. A person’s existence and life and worth aren’t reducible to the papers that they carry or the legal or political status that they have. If you’re talking about people that way, you ought to consider talking about them a different way. Referring to women or men or children or human beings by their legal status alone is dehumanizing and insulting to them; it is also coarsening and brutalizing for the person doing the referring. It encourages the worst in those who do it, and it justifies inhuman reactions toward those that it is done to. No human being is “illegal.”

JohnTaylorGattoTV | Tanya, Danica, Irena, what they represent to me is the promise locked up in all of us which institutional schooling steals. Schooling would have discouraged all three; from sailing around the world alone without proper training, from roaring around a race track at 226 miles an hour, from daring to believe that a funny looking Russian Eskimo without money or a patron could make her way alone to the United States and become a Super-Model.

In a seminal study on critical thinking and education in 1941, Edward Glaser defines critical thinking as follows “The ability to think critically, as conceived in this volume, involves three things: (1) an attitude of being disposed to consider in a thoughtful way the problems and subjects that come within the range of one's experiences, (2) knowledge of the methods of logical inquiry and reasoning and, (3) some skill in applying those methods.

TragedyAndHope | The first step for reaching for an education is to mistrust what you most are certain of. It may survive but it needs tested not once, until you are exhausted from testing.