Flag.Blackened.net | Long ago we should have given up the notion that there is some kind of divine right among rulers, that these political masters are cut from a different cloth than the rest of humankind. This fairy tale just doesn't wash. The presence of such jewels as Richard Nixon and Co. should cause even the most believing of today's believers to question the notion that members of the political class have particularly noble and generous characters and are possessed of angelic qualities lacking in the rest of humanity. The governing class is not an elite arising from the people ordained to save mankind from itself. If history should teach us anything, it is that the political class is composed basically of self-servers who thirst for power and privilege and who have found in government the perfect vehicle to achieve their purpose. They are not the noble denizens of this earth that you picture them to be.

Argusfest | The Indian boarding school movement began in the post Civil War era when idealistic reformers turned their attention to the plight of Indian people. The reformers believed that with the proper education and treatment Indians could become just like other citizens.

CNJOnline.com | A horrific local crime has again shown the folly of allowing a monopoly on providing the service of justice — a monopoly that arose, not by providing a superior service no one could beat, but imposed through destructive laws.

LarkenRose | It would be nice if the mythology about "the brave men and women of law enforcement," and the image of police that you see on TV and in movies, in some way resembled reality. But it doesn't.

Libertarianism.org | George H. Smith discusses how the educational system of Sparta influenced later advocates of state education. How Plato (history’s first great philosopher) wasn’t a fan of educational freedom and Aristotle explicitly repudiated the notion of limited government.