NotBeingGoverned.com | There is not a person in this world that is immune to the detrimental effect which mainstream culture has on one’s self esteem. Even the tyrants who themselves destroy peoples self-esteem by violently imposing their will on others live a life of mental discomfort because they are demoralized by their own actions and the world that they create.

JohnTaylorGattoTV | I have come to see that truth and school teaching are at bottom incompatible just as Socrates said they were thousands of years ago.

KentForLiberty | Why does so much news revolve around the individuals who call themselves "government"?

DailyBell.com | Consent is as simple as offering someone a cup of tea; if they accept, they will drink the tea. If they decline or lose capacity to consent (lose consciousness), the tea party host cannot pour it down their throat. A simple yet effective analogy.

BlimeyCow | Let's just say you don't like something and you go to government and they decide to make a law against that thing. What is the natural conclusion?