RandEastwood.com | This morning, my brother showed up at my place, put a gun to my head, and forced me to work with him all day. At the end of the day, I put a gun to his head and forced him to pay me.

AE911Truth | The Emperor wears a false flag.

TheFreeThoughtProject.com | A good cop is a cop who is good at his job, right? So let’s review what a cop’s job is, and what a cop’s job is not. A cop’s job is to enforce the law, no matter how unjust, using force to punish anyone caught disobeying. A cop’s job is not to protect and serve. The Supreme Court admitted in Castle Rock v. Gonzales that the police are under no legal obligation to protect anyone. That phrase, “To Protect and Serve,” written on the side of their vehicles? Just a PR slogan.

KenOKeefe | While only a brief philosophical perspective, this interview offers a clear understanding of where Ken O'Keefe is coming from.

AE911Truth | According to the official story the north tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) collapsed by gravity. This was challenged in an analysis of Graeme MacQueen and Tony Szamboti and a related analysis of David Chandler (both in the Journal of 9/11 Studies). The Balzac Vitry demolition has taken place by gravitational collapse. The analysis that was applied to the WTC is applied to this demolition, with different results. This analysis supports the conclusions of the two studies: the north tower of the WTC does not collapse due to gravity.