FFF.org | Well, then pray tell: How is it possible for a killing with a gun to have taken place in the middle of D.C. when such an act would violate D.C.’s system of gun control? It just cannot be true.

Strike-The-Root.com | So what are rights? If there are none of these things, functionally, despite what anyone might claim, then what are they? How do they function in daily life? How are they exercised inalienably by every person everywhere that has ever existed, regardless of the government that claimed authority over them?

CAFR1.com | Did you happen to notice what they are spending is moving closer to what was lost by the private sector in the recent market manipulations of 2008?

Strike-The-Root.com | “Rights” is a very confusing word, because it has been thrown around so often in so many ways and by so many people with different motivations. Almost everyone has a slightly different idea of the word "rights." So it is valuable to nail down a definition of what we are actually talking about. We must be aware of the differences between rights, liberties, responsibilities, opportunities, guarantees, contracts and privileges. Many people use rights interchangeably with some or all of these other words, but the word rights can represent something that is both unique from those other words, and universal to humanity. In order to do that, we first discuss what rights are *not*. Notably, a functional definition of the word “rights” is not any of those other words, but something that is often related to, in conjunction with, or the foundation of those other words and their importance, thus the confusion.

Voluntaryist.com | When the individuals living under the jurisdiction of the United States Government awake to political reality, they are going to find themselves living in government bondage. Every act of government brings us closer to this reality. The only logical future is to expect life in a socialized state. Henceforth, to be a citizen will mean to be a slave.