MikeNew.com | In Febuary of 1993, 20 year old Michael New enlisted in the United States Army and took an oath to defend the constitution of the United States. His Army Recruiter, in Conroe, Texas, never mentioned UN command, foreign officers, or wearing the UN uniform; instead he was told he was signing up for the US military.

MoreLibertyNow.com | But why should I even open the door for them? Why, when you have a choice, should you interact with government agents? By doing so, you only risk giving them some kind of justification for coming down on you. If their authority is nonexistent or illegitimate then isn’t it much safer and more consistent to simply treat them like any unwanted door-to-door salesman and ignore their notices and ultimatums? If you won’t give the time of day to a traveling salesman or a tele-marketer seeking to trade with you, why pay any attention whatsoever to a parasite claiming a right to your time and privacy?

LarkenRose.com | The initiation of violence is a symptom of something not being right in the head of the aggressor. And it is absolutely true that the root CAUSE of the aggression cannot be fixed via more violence. However, the EFFECT (or symptom) of that problem CAN be. As a very simple example, if someone breaks into my house at night, my 12-gauge is not going to repair whatever mental damage led the guy to want to do such a thing. However, it has a good chance of stopping the EFFECT of his psychosis. In such an instance, my goal would not be to "fix" what is wrong with the invader, but to prevent the potential SYMPTOMS of his psychological problems.