Voluntaryist.com | What do you do when you awaken to the awfulness of the lies of the State and the State of the lie? How does one negotiate with pathological liars? How does one come to peace with his tax payment hiring of cold blooded murder for oil and money?

CasaZaza | The Hundredth Monkey Syndrome describes a phenomenon wherein a sudden and spontaneous leap of consciousness takes place when a point of "critical mass" is achieved. This story illustrates how human society keeps doing the same things over and over again because - "that's the way things have always been done around here".

1WorldCitizen | Ken O'Keefe in a BBC HardTalk interview two months before the 2003 Iraq invasion. He discusses renouncing his US citizenship, Hawaii, Saddam Hussein, US terrorism, US taxes and US & British criminality in general. Cut through the bullshit and acknowledge the violence that is supported via taxation and our individual participation.

RidleyReport | Fully informed jury activist Julian Heicklen shows us his injuries after an arrest in Mass. If any bureaucrat wishes to rebut these charges, PM me. Fortunately his leafleting in New Hampshire is greeted by a more restrained Federal outpost.