TheTownTalk.com | "No expectation of privacy anywhere" is becoming literally true. The schools are grooming kids not only for the public surveillance state, but also for the private surveillance states of their employers. By the time the human resources graduate from twelve years of factory processing, they will accept it as normal to be kept under constant surveillance -- "for your own safety," of course -- by authority figures. But they won't just accept it from Homeland Security ("if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear"). They'll also accept as "normal" a work situation in which an employer can make them pee in cups at any time, without notice, or track their online behavior even when they're away from work.

LibertyOnTour | LibertyOnTour attended a fundraiser held by The Human Solution for Ronnie Nauls, who was arrested by the feds for running a marijuana collective. We also had a chance to meet several other folks who had been harmed by the never ending war on you, oops, I mean drugs.

ObscuredTruth | What happened when over a hundred people descended on the NH Statehouse for a 420 Rally to celebrate the Cannabis holiday?

CatoInstituteVideo | We all have to deal with the opportunities and challenges presented by widespread video technology. The same is true for police. But law enforcement might prefer that cameras not be a part of their interactions with citizens. Citizens should have the right to record their interactions with police and police should be required to record their most intense interactions with citizens.

FreedomsPhoenix.com | I'm sad to announce that the Libertarian Party is utterly worthless. Well, the fact that it was a political party vying for the throne made it not only worthless, but counter-productive, from the beginning. If you're waiting around for "government" to pass a "law" giving you permission to be free, then: a) you'll be waiting a long time, and b) you're not even free inside your own head yet. As long as you are begging any master to endorse your freedom, you will remain a slave.