A Peace of the Anarchy is a quick summary of 20th century radical activism in the USA with a notable focus on the pacifist christian anarchist Ammon Hennacy. Folks from the War Resisters League, the IWW, Earth First! and the Catholic Worker, along with Mr. Hennacy exemplify the marginalized prophetic witness for peace and justice in the USA as they attempt to appeal to the dominant culture. These people speak on the benefits of anarchy and peace, following the radical (rooted/basically grounded) ideology and optimism that goodness will overcome evil, love is superior to hate and truth trumps falsehood.

JonPilger.com | In his latest column for the New Statesman, John Pilger traces the history of propaganda to Edward Bernays, the American nephew of Sigmund Freud, who invented the term "public relations". Bernays believed in "engineering public consent" and creating "false realties" as news. Here are examples of how this works today.

GonzoTimes.com | Governments always seem to exist or form not because of the ‘criminal’ or the deviant but because of the authoritarian and the megalomaniac for over 99% of crime is not true crime but simply failing to following the will of the tyrants. True crime is the initiation of force on another. In those 99% of the ‘crimes’ this is the state who commits the criminal action in its initiation of force. ‘Illegal’ is breaking the invented laws of the state, these ‘laws’ are nothing more than demands backed by threats. Society can make non-criminal solutions to handle the 1% of crime, it is far less difficult to manage than to control the actions of every civil person through the violent criminal actions of the state. In this we see that the majority of crime is committed by the individual state employees by simply ‘doing their job’. The true problem is not who we are told is the ‘criminal’ but the true criminal which is the state.

FreeKeene.com | After reviewing their city council rules, city ordinances, and state laws; Dale Pregent seems to have made up the rules barring alcoholic beverage containers (not containing alcohol) in order to target free speech. When the Police Chief Ken Meola is unable to determine what is in the closed containers held by Ian Freeman and Sam Dodson, they were arrested for refusing to consent to search.

AAEBlog.com | Those of us who regard socioeconomic inequality as a serious problem are often accused of “envy,” as though such concerns were simply a matter of begrudging someone else’s having more cookies than we do.