InstituteForJustice | Imagine you own a million-dollar piece of property free and clear, but then the federal government and local law enforcement agents announce that they are going to take it from you, not compensate you one dime, and then use the money they get from selling your land to pad their budgets—all this even though you have never so much as been accused of a crime, let alone convicted of one.

Voluntaryist.com | Most of the people I have spoken to over the years think that government taxation is not theft because government is a necessary social institution. The attainment of the common good requires taxes to support government. Thus, those who evade paying their proper share or those who object to how their tax money is spent (the pacifist - on war; the Catholic - on abortion; the anarchist - in general) must be threatened with force beforehand. If they refuse to pay they will ultimately have their property confiscated and sold at auction or they will find themselves imprisoned (either after a conviction for violating the tax laws or for contempt of court [for refusing to obey a judge's orders to cooperate]). If they violently refuse to cooperate with the marshals that come to take their property or arrest them, they will be subdued or killed.

Three Mile Island. The worse nuclear accident in US history. The government and industry position hasn't changed in 30 years. Officials say the amount of radiation released from the plant during the 1979 disaster was small -- the maximum anyone could have received was equivalent to a chest X-Ray. But there is medical evidence to prove otherwise. According to Dr. Stephen Wing of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, cancers in local residents were elevated under the path of the radioactive plume that escaped from the plant. Symptoms of radiation exposure were severe and there were chromosomal abnormalities reported in people even 15 years after the event.

Strike-The-Root.com | Modern day slavery is vastly more sophisticated. For one thing, the term “slavery” has been abolished, with the modern slave being designated “citizen,” and our children indoctrinated with the concept of “good citizenship.” Today one becomes a slave not by being purchased, but simply by being born in a certain area dominated by a particular master. Since the entire known world is so divided, escape is futile; slavery is universal.

RjWeapon | The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originality" -HL Mencken