| “Outrageous!” may be your immediate reaction, if you work for government in some way. “Why do you call me dishonest? I and my colleagues are as honest as the day is long. Anyway, where would you be without government? – it’s essential for civilized society!”

First: welcome to this site, I’m glad you came. I mean you no harm; quite the contrary. But yes, I’m sorry but I repeat: to work for government is fundamentally dishonest, and I’ll prove it. Government is also terribly destructive, wickedly distorting society – and working for it also destroys you, your self respect and your potential for fulfilment. So, be honest: leave your job!

We’d agree, I hope, that someone working for the Mafia is doing dishonest work? Damaging society, and his own integrity? – then let me show you this comparison between the Mafia and government. Then, in outline, my meaning will be clear. Read Entire Article