| All ideas of worth come from the non-conformist, those with individual intellect. Without non-conformity, ideas disappear, and inferiority consumes society. For the average man, the slave of the state, this inferiority is a comfort, because being a part of the herd seems safe to the lower human, and personal responsibility is not required. But in order to perpetuate this system of group compliance, the slaves must tear down all those he believes to be above him. Due to envy and weakness of mind, he desires to bring all down to his level in order to gain imaginary equality. This is the essence of the egalitarian mind, that all art, beauty, love, and passion should be destroyed in order to claim equality where none exists. If this scenario is ever the predominate basis of society, the downfall of man will follow.

No vibrant society can exist in a state of obedience. While many great minds have discussed the natural desire of man to obey authority, including Sigmund Freud, this trait in man does not allow the capability to seek or claim freedom. The obedient are bound to a life of rule, as that is their nature. The mindsets of the herd are steeped in a deeply religious belief in equality of outcome, and normally have a hatred of dissent and voluntary behavior, and a love for the tyrannical state that can be used to stifle excellence. Read Entire Article

By Gary D. Barnett