| We are a nation of resilient people. However, our fabric has been eaten, soiled by moths like the clothes in my closet. As I see the Wall Street protestors I realize that we no longer understand what it will take to correct the problems our country is facing on an individual or corporate level. The way I see it, the powers that be are constantly telling us to bend over, grab our ankles and smile while they sodomize us. Who are “they”? The Corpratocracy – corporations, government and the banksters!

What is there to be done about the sodomization of the united States of America?
You can protest all you want, hold up signs and scream at Wall Street, the banks and government with your demands. That will change nothing as long as you are still handing over Federal Reserve notes to them. “Let them protest all they want…. as long as they pay their taxes.” – Alexander Haig.
You can just ignore the problem and be sheeple, but that won’t solve the problem. “They will just continue to sodomize you and then your children as they come of age.
You can fight them in court but with the judges on the same team as the prosecutors you have very little chance to win even if your opponent is as dumb as a door knob.
You can leave the country if you have enough money to live in another place. However, there is a 30% exit tax that you will pay. This exit tax was enacted while I was “away”. For example, if your net worth is $1,000,000 and you want to expatriate from this country you will have to leave behind $300,000 as a gift to your government, courtesy of Congress. Look it up!

You can stay here and try to live “off the grid”. Good luck with that. We have become so integrated into the system that any telephone call, use of Internet or “monetary” transaction is subject to review. They even tried to pass legislation that would make every purchase or sale of gold reportable to them. And you see what they did with the Liberty Dollar!
There is always a solution to any problem – a solution that you and I can live with. What is it? What are you and your family doing to avoid becoming the poor of our soon to be rich and poor country with no middle class? Right now my family is rapidly sliding down the slope to the poor end of the spectrum. I am taking suggestions as to how to avoid hitting the bottom.

One suggestion I received is that I start a business. I am open to starting a business because I know that jobs are scarce and unpredictable these days. However, aside from heavy regulation, there are many obstacles to overcome.
If you have any viable suggestions to how we all can avoid constantly being sodomized, please let me know by going to my contact page and sending me your suggestions. The clock is ticking if you know what I mean. I am tired of bending over!