| The level of tyranny self-proclaimed rulers are able to exert depends directly on the generalized tolerance of their edicts and actions. The perceived legitimate “right” of those in the political class to parasite off those in the economic class is contingent on the acceptance of a paradigm that relies on division and fear. The control of information has been vital for predatory individuals and regimes to cloak their dictates and actions as necessary. Yet thanks to technological achievements that maximize distributed, peer-to-peer interactions, the ideas and institutions that maintain the master-slave dichotomy are being made obsolete.

Slavemasters of yesterday forbid their fellow humans, whom they purported to “own”, from learning how to read and write. These hypocrites – many of whom, each Sunday upon bended knee, professed their love of their fellow human – recognized that if their “property” were introduced to ideas that said that each person is born with the same rights, it would not be long until the captivity in which they found themselves would be questioned, then rejected. Fredrick Douglass, who himself escaped slavery, could not have been more correct when he penned “Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave.”

Today the attempt to keep people in bondage is not based on skin melanin but is more subtle, done through the control of information. Censorship in all its forms is a catalyst for even greater oppression.

In the USSA and all nation-states, propaganda with roots that go back centuries is peddled as truth under the guise of “education” in gun-run indoctrination centers (i.e. “public schools”). To suppress the natural inquisitive nature of free thinkers, select information is entirely omitted, other misinformation is doled out, and a premium is placed not on creativity, but on conformity.

Is it surprising that we see more parents being threatened with ransoms or a cage because they fail to cart their child to the local indoctrination center? Or that more political actors demand that their neighbors ship their toddlers – yes, toddlers – to the center’s precursor “preschool”? Petty tyrants know that the more they can mold the minds of children, the less threat to their own lifestyle.

Undoubtedly Gary Reed was accurate when he likened government schools to “institutions of coercion.” Brett Veinotte, John Holt, John Taylor Gatto, and many others have expounded on the harms inherent in that stifling environment, giving hope to many. Thanks in part to online networks and resources, more people are choosing not to give their children – and consequently their children’s minds – to the predatory class. They opt instead for “unschooling” and self-schooling.

The attempt of political actors to shape the paradigm of those in the economic class doesn’t end when the school bell sounds. Since Operation Mockingbird in the 1950s, it’s been known that the CIA actively recruits journalists to kill unfavorable stories, implant misinformation, and reveal sources. Other three-lettered-acronymed criminal outfits have similar programs.

As the media landscape became more centralized due to regulatory licensing, entry barriers, and other market distortions introduced by the political class, their ability to control the conversation became even easier and more top-down. Body counts of soldiers killed in unpopular wars were falsified, black swan events were promulgated as truth, and fictitious “enemies” were concocted to seduce those in the economic class not just to accept the regime, but to adore it and die for it. Read Entire Article

By Pete Eyre