RandEastwood.com | This morning, my brother showed up at my place, put a gun to my head, and forced me to work with him all day. At the end of the day, I put a gun to his head and forced him to pay me.

After work, I stopped at the grocery store, put a gun to the cashier’s head, and forced her to sell me the groceries I needed. I then went to a local electronics superstore, where a couple thugs from Apple put a gun to my head and forced me to buy an iMac. But at the register, I put a gun to the cashier’s head and forced him to also sell me a remote keyboard and trackball.

On the way home, I was sitting at a traffic light when a homeless man approached my car, put a gun to my head, and forced me to give him some spare change.

Arriving home, my neighbor came over, put a gun to my head, and forced me to come over to her driveway and help her change a flat tire on her car.

See? This is how society operates on a daily basis. Every interaction between people must be forced at gunpoint, or at a minimum under threat of violence. Otherwise, nobody would be willing to help each other or cooperate, and nothing would ever get done.

This is why anarchists—who believe that all human interactions should be voluntary, uncoerced, and free of violence or the threat of violence—are simply crazy.

By Rand Eastwood