I have lived in New Mexico for over 40 years, and 18 of those years in Santa Fe County. Most of my friends are self-created types who work for themselves, as this is also my lifestyle. Having made a living since the age of 17 as a sign maker and graphic designer, has enabled me to appreciate the freedoms my lonely schedule affords me, and I have attracted similar life-styled friends who are fiercely independent and curious as to the workings of our government and encroachments upon their rights. It is my impression that individuals who remain employed throughout their lives are less likely to have the time to study, question, or oppose authority. The true reality of the original intent of our nation is that We The People ARE the authority. All agents, officers, and officials of this nation are our servants, but because it is human nature that a government unchecked will grow into an abusive and dangerous entity, the servants of this nation must pledge an oath to defend and protect the Constitution, which is the foundation of all law and the guarantee that your Rights will remain inalienable.

CorbettReport.com | On the morning of April 19, 1995, a decorated Gulf War combat vet blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City using a truck bomb that he didn’t build in a Ryder truck that he didn’t rent with the help of a passenger who didn’t exist. Having just gotten away with the largest act of terrorism on U.S. soil to date the Fort Bragg-trained Special Forces (sheep dipped) “dropout” blended in with the crowd by making his getaway in a car without a license plate and was immediately pulled over.

VolStudio | …and hope that it spares your body.

NotBeingGoverned.com | Many people ask, “But how in the world could a laissez-faire society deal with aggression by foreign nations, since it would have no government to protect it?” Behind this question are two unrealized assumptions: first, that government is some sort of extra-societal entity with resources of its own — resources which can only be tapped for defense by the action of government — and, second, that government does, in fact, defend its citizens.

KentForLiberty | I am so glad I don't suffer from the lust to control other people's property. Judging by the people who find this an important "responsibility", it must be quite a burden.