JohnTaylorGattoTV | Mastering tremendous Human power by understanding Human nature.

KentForLiberty.com | I see politics as a flawed attempt to get along with people you don't like. Flawed, because using the violence of laws to try to make people do what you want leads them to pull the same stunt against you. It's the ultimate "an eye for an eye" opera, which never ends unless one side stops.

FreemansPerspective.com | Most people, sad to say, are too rushed, frightened, and confused to think about what they really want out of life. They are hustled through school, forced into long-term decisions before they’re ready to face them, then held to those decisions by fear and shame. They choose from a limited set of options, and they know that change will be punished.

fff.org | The Social Security program is a perfect example of how people can deceive and delude themselves when it comes to socialist programs. Advocates of Social Security have long convinced themselves that Social Security is a savings-retirement program rather than a welfare program.

LibertyPen | Connecting the dots between the damage of the welfare state and the incentives of liberal political leaders.