DailyReckoning.com | Imagine you are in command of the state, defined as an institution that possesses a territorial monopoly of ultimate decision making in every case of conflict, including conflicts involving the state and its agents itself, and, by implication, the right to tax, i.e., to unilaterally determine the price that your subjects must pay you to perform the task of ultimate decision making.

InformationLiberation.com | Unfortunately, we have once again been proven correct. As the Awlaki assassination shows and as the Jose Padilla case showed, the president now wields the omnipotent, non-reviewable power to round up, detain indefinitely, torture, and assassinate his own citizens — the same omnipotent, non-reviewable power that U.S.-supported dictators in the Middle East wield against their citizens.

WendyMcElroy.com | Any criticism of prison-yard America meets a standard counter-argument — namely, that the critic is being paranoid; the “objectionable” policies have nothing to do with a desire to violate rights or to impose social control: Fans are searched at sporting events in order to prevent lawsuits being brought by anyone who is subsequently harmed by smuggled weapons. Air travelers are molested for their own good because it makes the sky safer to fly. Children are fingerprinted to increase the attendance that brings in a set amount of federal funds per child in school; this is money that schools claim to desperately need in order to educate your children.

MrMitee | How do you determine the power a word might have over your existence? No one ever forced you to submit an application for a registration. No one ever stopped you from looking up what those words mean, and no one ever stopped you from deciding for yourself whether or not you wish to do so.

MarcStevens.net | John acts as a county attorney and claims to represent the STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE in various courts in New Hampshire. He also signs paperwork as the STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. John doesn’t seem to like me much and refuses to be recorded or appear on my radio show.