| This is a central feature of the schooled mindset — students are forced to ask for permission for anything as little as enforcing basic bodily functions before they can rightly act upon them. Enforced under the guise of cordiality and good manners, schools’ permission requirements teach young people that there will be an authority from which they must seek permission before they can do anything — and they carry this mindset with them through life.

Even in college, young adults still seek permission from professors to go to the bathroom, request days off for basic family functions, and see themselves as subject to the authority of the classroom despite being grown adults. It expands beyond petty classroom requirements to careers, too. Graduates expect that they can’t go into business if they graduate with a liberal arts degree and need feel-good articles showing others who have done it successfully before they’ll consider it. They think that if they haven’t taken a class on economics, then they probably shouldn’t try to read more on the subject (although they’re happy to have opinions on the subject come election time). It bleeds into their parenting styles and they are raised by and/or become helicopter parents and believe their children must ask them for permission on careers and basic lifestyle choices before they can act on them. They think they have to have some sort of approval from somebody before they can pursue their careers — this can be the university, a college recruiter, a book about what they can do with their degree, their parents, it doesn’t matter — they’ve fallen into the trap of a permission-based mindset. Read Entire Article

By zakslayback

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