YuvaRevolution.org | “Oh! My State, please kill the Anarchists”; generally, believed by the voters. What an irony, when a statist finds an anarchist a threat to the society. A statist is a voter believing that government is the best religion, in the world. Without it, roads cannot be constructed “efficiently”. Google: Voluntaryism

Roles Government Religion
Taxes We have to save the poor, children, the old. We need security. We must respect the social contract. You are guilty of original sin. You owe our messiah or prophet because he gave life to you. The scripture demands some % of your income as an offering to god.
Expropriation Taxes, fines, fees, inflation, licenses, mandatory insurance, granting monopolies for power, water, etc. Tithes, tax breaks, special legislation, laws they don’t have to abide by, ostracism and social pressure to conform.
Do what we say Statutory laws, executive orders, need for “public goods”, the interest of “public welfare”, its in the constitution. Divine law, divine revelation, holy books.
Methods of Behavior Enforcement Laws, crackdowns, tax penalties, tax incentives, marking (arrest records and public trials), kidnapping (arrest), theft (confiscation or seizure), enslavement (incarceration), execution. Enforcing Prohibition, anti-prostitution, anti-gambling, etc Religious Laws, lobbying, social pressure, media, youth indoctrination, etc.
Artifice-ism Statesmen claim to know what is best for the “public good” and for each individual without knowing any individual’s value scales. Terms like “national interest” do not apply to the common man. Politicians claim to be able to run all sectors of the nation the best without having knowledge or experience in any of them. Bills are never read, lobbyists blah blah blah etc etc. Priests claim to be able to hear god and know what he wants people to do. This is special because no one else can see or hear god, ever, OF COURSE.
War and War We must spread or protect democracy, communism, our glorious empire, our interests. It is the will of our fearless leader. It will boost the economy. We have to prevent the enemy from attacking here, so we fight over there. We have to liberate country x. God will return when everyone believes our religion and the scripture commands us to spread the word. The scripture commands us to punish/conquer/convert the goyim/heathens/infidels. Only after Armageddon will our savior return. Holy Jihad/Crusade.
Ceremonies and Illusion of control Voting, trials, debates, patriotism, pledges, anthems, special uniforms, flags, and symbolism. Church worship, marriage, baptism, confession, other sacraments, prayer, Eucharist, holy days and holidays, special clothing and hats, jewelry, pilgrimages.
Impossibility of Fault. Politicians are in and out, it is difficult to assign blame to a morphing group. Politicians are legally exempt from consequences of their action and many of the very laws they pass. Politicians cannot be sued for decisions they make. Its not their money they play with. Politicians can assign blame to the voters. Success: take credit Failure: Blame immigrants, tax policy, inflation other governments, other politicians, the other party, the system, corruption. God told me to do it. If it works out your prayers have been answered and god is great, tithe. If prayers are unanswered, have faith, tithe more. If you suffer a tragedy it is a test/gods will/gods plan tithe as a show of your continued faith and pray for a miracle.
Indoctrination and Brainwashing Control of and mandatory schooling from childhood to adulthood (18 years min. enslavement time) Control and regulation of the Media (Movies, News, radio, and soon Internet), conscription, etc Sunday school (special worship session for young children), religious schools (madrassas, catholic schools, christian summer camps), church families and communities, guilt tripping, temples.
Figure Heads Mayors, presidents, governors, leaders, assemblymen, police, military, “law makers”, bureaucrats Ayatollah, priests, bishops, imams, pope, pastors, crusaders, jihadists, sadhu, baba.
Sexism Sexist laws against women, denying women rights to own property, suffrage. Banning women from certain professions. More recently terrible divorce laws against men, making prostitution illegal, paying for or banning abortion. Ridiculous bias in the courts against men. Barely any enforcement of laws against women in terms of tickets, domestic abuse cases, other areas. Sexist stories in holy books. Outright stating that women are inferior, untrustworthy, should be obedient, quiet, and are less important than men. A history of mutilation and killing women who were “witches” or whores or adulteresses or whatever they felt like at the time.
Tax Beneficiaries “Public Servants” don’t pay taxes, whatever they pretend to pay is a reduction of their salaries because their entire paycheck is tax money. Churches, mosques, temples are tax exempt-ed and , therefore, their activities and use of infrastructure and services are subsidized by the tax paying community.
Super Human Status Humans are corrupt so we need other humans, who for some reason won’t become corrupt, to look over them. Humans are fallen and decrepit who are sinners and lost. We need this special human (who for some reason is not a fallen decrepit sinner) who can hear god to tell us what to do and guide us.

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By Jaimine